How Can I Improve Trust On My Website?
175 new websites are created every minute. That’s three every second. It’s so easy to have an online presence nowadays, which is great – but it does mean that there’s an awful lot of misinformation out there. As a result, most of us are reluctant to buy goods online – or enquire about services – unless we’re sure that the site we’re on is trustworthy.
If you want to increase conversions, improving your site’s trustworthiness is a great place to start. Here are six ways you can do just that.
Use reviews and testimonials
Whichever platform you choose to focus on – be it Google reviews, Trustpilot or Facebook ratings – adding some form of third-party review content to the site will tell potential customers not only that you’re a real business, but that you’re a reputable and trustworthy one.
Write regular blog posts or establish a knowledge base
Not only can blog posts and knowledge base articles provide your website visitors with useful information, they can also demonstrate your knowledge of a subject, helping to build trust. If you keep your site updated and add new posts on the regular, this will help too. As always, make sure your content is relevant, well-structured and consistent in its tone of voice.
Choose the right images
Stock photos have their place – think blog posts – but your site shouldn’t be littered with them. Your homepage, landing pages and ‘about us’ pages should all incorporate images of your actual business, its team and services. Generic stock images may look good on the page, but people will be able to tell they’re stock images – and they’ll be less likely to convert as a result. Transparency is key.
Talk about your USPs
Do you have 25 years’ experience in your industry? Do you offer efficient worldwide shipping or free next day delivery? Do you have any specialist accreditations or awards? Then shout about it! Prominently displaying your company’s USPs should enhance the trustworthiness of your site and set you apart from your competition, making it a no-brainer.
Add your contact details
This is an easy one. Make sure your phone number, email address, business address and social media accounts are on your site and up-to-date. People need to be able to get in touch with you, and if there’s not an obvious way to do so, they may take their business elsewhere.
Make your website secure
Make sure that your site has a secure ‘HTTPS’ URL – if it doesn’t, this won’t inspire confidence. If you operate an ecommerce site, make sure you’re offering safe, secure and easy to use payment options too.
If you need help showcasing trust on your website, then contact us today at Echo Web Solutions to see how we can help you.