Do I Need Google Analytics?
Google Analytics is a tracking tool developed by Google that allows you to measure your website’s traffic. lt can tell you how many visitors are coming onto your website, what platform they are visiting from, if they are using a mobile device, and most importantly if they are converting.
With this information, you’ll be able to measure which online marketing activities are bringing in revenue, helping you to make educated business decisions on where to invest. For example, you could spend £2000 a month on a Google Ads campaign but it might actually be your social media that is generating customers. Without tracking this data, you could be losing money on one campaign and losing potential on another.
Google Analytics can also tell you where you might need to improve your website. An example of this could be looking at a desktop vs. mobile split of your conversion rate. If customers are mostly visiting you from a mobile device but failing to convert you might want to review how easy your mobile site is to use and if it’s well optimised for your target customer.
Tracking this kind of information is a vital part of being able to measure your online success and a super important part of any Digital Marketing campaign.
So yes – you need Google Analytics.