Why is My Website Not Converting?
So you’ve got yourself a website – great! But your website visitors aren’t converting, so what do you do?
It’s a frustrating problem and a question that doesn’t have a one size fits all answer – but we do have some helpful pointers to consider when it comes to cracking why your website isn’t converting.
Not Enough Data
Let’s first mention SEO and PPC and their important role in attracting customers to your website. First and foremost, if you create a website and expect it to receive traffic without implementing a digital campaign, it’s unlikely that you’ll ever convert.
With that said, if you’re bringing in a high level of traffic and you’re still not getting the results you want, there could be a few more culprits.
You’re Not Reaching the Right Customers
Traffic is great, but it’s important to ensure you’re targeting the right kind of traffic. A great example of this is one of our clients – GoGoGo Intensive. Previous to our campaign, they were targeting national driving lesson terms despite being a local school, great to hitting high volume keywords but this meant a high percentage of their traffic was irrelevant and unlikely to convert. Question who and where you’re targeting to check your website visitors are your target market.
Your Website is Difficult to Use
An important part of persuading customers to convert is ensuring your website is easy to use. Is it clear where or how they contact you? Have you got popups that don’t display a clear exit? It’s easy for online users to lose patience and go elsewhere if they can’t find what they need easily.
In 2016, Google recognised the huge shift in mobile usage across the internet causing them to make a change in how they view and rank websites online. Despite mobiles being used more when browsing and searching online, many websites are built with a desktop-first approach. Remember to review both mobile and desktop when trying to uncover the potential friction points on your website.
They Don’t Trust You
One of the main reasons why potential customers might visit a site without submitting their details or making a purchase is because they don’t trust your business yet. People commit to talking action (whether that be buying or submitting contact forms) on websites that are established, authoritative, and credible. Not only that, but people also want to interact with brands that are interested in their needs.
Here are a couple of features that can help you to build trust with your potential customers:
- Online Reviews
- Case Studies
- About Us pages
- Unique, quality images (not stock photos!)
- Clear contact details
- Certificates and accreditations
They Don’t See Your Value
It’s important to ask yourself, what value are you providing your customers? Why would they buy from you instead of your competitor? Once you’ve identified these, the next step is making sure you are clearly communicating them with online users.