As of May 20th, 2015, Google rebranded the familiar Google Webmaster tools to Google Search Console which is a free service that helps better your understanding of how Google ranks your business, site performance and how user-friendly your site is.
Why use Google Search Console?
In an effort to create a positive user experience, Google has now made some recent updates to GSC which benefits all website owners.
- Traffic and search appearance – Within GSC you can see your average position, traffic and click through rate – all very important factors when considering the progression of your website. Google has recently changed the way in which the data has been displayed, but you can still find all the information you need within the console.
- GSC will now group problems together of what it suspects – Google Search Console is a practical way of checking the overall health of a website by flagging up any issues or faults that may be wrong with the website. Grouping identified issues together to help fix what may be a bug. You will be able to track the progress of the affected pages enabling them to fix them more seamlessly.
- Better support of your organizational workflow – This function will allow users to share actions with others such as web developers who can help you find the cause. Introducing sharing functionality allows you to pick up an action item and share it with other people in your group, like developers who will get references to the code in question.
- Faster feedback loops between you and Google – Google will provide on-the-spot testing to limit the waiting time to know if issues have been resolved. This improvement will allow you to quickly see where your issues are and confirm you’ve fixed the fault.
Google will continue to work on producing new updates that promote optimal user experience with its Search Console updates. This will enable webmasters to be aware of any changes that are made better to align with Google’s priorities to expand, monitor and maintain their presence.
In addition to these changes, we’re expecting to see a new layout and structure of Google Search Console – keep your eye’s peeled!
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